At Preston Architecture...We believe strongly in the team approach to a project. Successful design depends on the continued exchange of ideas between you, the Client, and the design team through all phases of a project. Strong communications ensure that the program needs are mutually understood. Architectural design involves the balance between quality, economics and aesthetics as they relate to functional requirements. Quality design centers around the relationship between human needs and human environmental conditions. Our egos do not cause us to lose sight of the primary goal of satisfying the program needs of a project. However, if requested, we can create great art, demonstrating our ability to be at the "cutting edge" of design. Offering peace of mind to a client through exceptional service and skills is our commitment. Preston Architecture has many strengths to help you achieve your project goals. Satisfaction of these goals results in a quality project, enhancing the built environment around us; giving the public a better place in which to live and work.
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